
International Conference on Urban Autonomy and the Collective City

Our exhibited project „Bastian der Stadt:Symbiont“ was declared:

„A simple proposal tending to hack parking regulations in Berlin, while denouncing precarious conditions faced by young practitioners. A set of instructions are deployed to set a nomad office. Mobility, labour and agonism outline productive relations and politics“.

In our talk on „Autonomy, law, power and public space“, we engaged on the different linguistic, political and spatial notions of the term „autonomy“ and embedded our „Bastian“ in the context of the urban and legal framework of Berlin, Germany.

There seemed to be a great common assumption of a perceived progressive meaning of autonomous forms of work and life but its diverging political consequences and limitations in different national contexts were underestimated and mostly not discussed. Thereby a contextual understanding of law and (spatial) order could help us to explore our possibilities in taking advantage of legal loopholes.


  • Benedikt Stoll


  • 1-2 July 2016, Onassis Cultural Center