Architects are dead - long live architects
two days of lectures and workshops organised by students of the Institute for Art and Architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
What is an Architect today?
Many Architecture students have seemingly become disillusioned with the notion of being an Architect. The classical idea of working in hierarchical office-based practices, continually submitting applications to competitions, and having a career largely defined from graduatin, has somewhat lost its appeal to many young architects of today. This comes at a time though, when these traditional processes are being challenges, subverted and abandoned for alternatives, internationally, and in multiple ways.
- Anja Fritz
- Silvia Gioberti
commissioned by
- IKA Wien
- Carla, Christina, Martin, Nyima, Sylvester and Paul
- dpr-barcelona
- STORE London
- moderates the discussion:
- Gabu Heindl